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shortcut keyboard google drive

Bantuan Shortcut untuk memudahkan kita dalam menggunakan google drive.


j Navigate to next item in list (highlights selection)
k Navigate to previous item in list (highlights selection)
x Select or de-select a highlighted item
⇓ Select next item in list
Shift + ⇓ Select next item in list while leaving the current selection selected
⇑ Select previous item in list
Shift + ⇑ Select previous item in list while leaving current selection selected
Shift + a Select all
Shift + n Select none

Create new Google Docs


Shift + t Create a new text document
Shift + p Create a new presentation
Shift + s Create a new spreadsheet
Shift + d Create a new drawing
Shift + f Create a new folder

Go to different views


g then n Access navigation panel
g then l Access list of documents
g then f Access folders
g then d Access details pane

Show various menus


c Show the create new menu, use arrow keys to select an item to create
u Show upload menu
a Show actions menu
r Show sort menu
t Show settings menu

Take action


z Organize
s Star/unstar
o or Enter Open item
. Share

Access or enable features


/ Go to search box
d Show / hide details pane
? or Ctrl + / Access shortcuts help menu

Mac users can replace Ctrl with the Command key (⌘ or 'Apple' key) and Alt with the Option key.

Thanks for reading & sharing viraldaily

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